List of described Books of Hours - Psalters - Prayerbooks c.1300-
1530 in Danish Collections |
|GKS| |NKS| |Thott| |Additamenta| |Inkunabula| |Arnamagnaeana| |Other Collections|
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As part of a new structure on the site will more notes on the contents of the manuscripts gradually be made available to the public. Links are today only activated to newly revised documents. Notes on sources without links are available for advanced studies on request as usual. [Notes on various liturgical manuscripts formerly listed under the menu "Other Manuscripts" has not found any home during the present revision. They will reappear somewhere else, when the revision of the Books of Hours section has been concluded.]
Copenhagen - Det kongelige Bibliotek - The
Royal Library
GKS Gammel kongelig Samling (The Ancient Royal Collection)
- GkS 4° 1605 PSALTERIUM (Ghent/Bruges c.1520/1525, The "David-Master") Calendar (with online facsimile)
- GkS 4° 1606 PSALTERIUM (Kristina-Psalter, Paris c.1230)
- GkS 4° 1607 HORAE ad usum Romanum (Antwerp? c.1510-20, Zwarte-ogen Master) [A guide to the KB Online Facsimile is currently in preparation for public access]
- GkS 4° 1608 HORAE (Use of Troyes, c.1470)
- GkS 4° 1609 HORAE (Rouen c.1510, Masters of the Playfair Hours)
- GkS 4° 1610 HORAE (Della Porta Hours, Tours & Bourges c.1478-80, Jean Fouquet and the Master of Spencer 6)
- GkS 4° 1611 HORAE ad usum Romanum (Follower of the Master of Petrach's Triumphs) Tours or Rouen c.1490-1500)
- GkS 4° 1612 HORAE [Suffragia Sanctorum section, Bourdichon Workshop] (Tours or Rouen c.1490-1500)
- GkS 4° 1612 Single Leaf Veil of S.Veronica, Miniature by Willem Vrelant (Bruges c.1463, cutting from a lost Book of Hours)
- GkS 8° 3445 HORAE in Latin (Unidentified use, Delft c.1442/44, Master of the Delfter Grisailles)
- GkS 8° 3446 HORAE (In Dutch, Utrecht c.1430/40)
- GkS 8° 3447 HORAE (France c.1490/1510)
Thotts Samling (The former Collection of Count Otto Thott)
- Thott 4° 517 Legends of Saints (Bohun Hours, England c.1370, cf. Thott 547 4°)
- Thott 4° 533 PSALTERIUM (Dominican Psalter, Flanders c.1440/50, Masters of Otto van Moerdrecht)
- Thott 4° 534 HORAE (Use of Paris, Paris early 14th Century, additions 15th Cent.)
- Thott 4° 535 HORAE "TVRQVAM" (France c.1500/1520)
- Thott 4° 536 HORAE (Use of Chalon-sur-Saône, Burgundy c.1465-75)
- Thott 4° 537 HORAE (Use of Rouen, France, Rouen c.1440/50, The Talbot Master)
- Thott 4° 538 Officium Marianum Ordinis S. Birgitte (Utrecht c.1490)
- Thott 4° 539 HORAE (Use of Autun, Burgundy c.1470-80, Maître des prélats Bourguignons)
- Thott 4° 540 HORAE (Use of Langres, France c.1460-70, Maître François-style)
- Thott 4° 541 HORAE ad usum Romanum (France c.1520/1530)
- Thott 4° 542 HORAE (Hours of Marguerite Crohin, Use of Cambrai, Hainaut c.1490/1500, The Master of Antoine Rolin)
- Thott 4° 543 HORAE (Use of Rouen, France, Rouen c.1440/50 Boucicaut-follower)
- Thott 4° 544 HORAE (Use of Rouen, France, Rouen c.1500)
- Thott 4° 545 HORAE (Use of Coutances, France, Rouen c.1450/1460)
- Thott 4° 546 HORAE ad usum Romanum (Bruges? c.1460/70, Maître des yeux bridés)
- Thott 4° 547 HORAE as usum Sarum (Bohun Hours, England c.1370)
- Thott 4° 548 HORAE (Use of Coutances, , Rouen c.1510/1520, Jean Pichore)
- Thott 4° 550 HORAE (in Dutch, c.1500)
- Thott 4° 551 HORAE (in Dutch, c.1480)
- Thott 4° 552 HORAE (in Dutch, c.1500)
- Thott 8° 113 HORAE (Use of Paris, Paris c.1400 Workshop of Jacquemart de Hesdin)
- Thott 8° 114 HORAE (Use of Nantes, Hours of Pierre de Pledran and Catherine Madeue, France c.1470)
- Thott 8° 117 Psalterium from 1472
- Thott 8° 118 Psalterium
- Thott 8° 120 Officium paschalis (Osterbrevier, Germany)
- Thott 8° 127 Office of All Saints, c.1410 (In Dutch)
- Thott 8° 128 HORAE (Getijdenboek, Use of Utrecht, In Dutch, c.1410/1420)
- Thott 8° 129 Prayer-Book (Master of the Delfter Half-figures)
- Thott 8° 131 Franciscan Prayer-Book (so-called "Prayerbook of Stine Dutmers", Thesinge 1529)
- Thott 8° 132 Prayer-Book from 1478
- Thott 8° 133 Prayer-Book of Bersken Dorskes
- Thott 8° 134 Prayer-Book of Anna Kramers (c.1500)
NKS Ny kongelig Samling (The New Royal Collection)
- NkS 4° 131 HORAE (France, Paris c.1450/60)
- NkS 4° 132 HORAE (Use unidentified, Flanders c.1440/50, Master of Guillebert de Mets)
- NkS 4° 3758 HORAE (Use of Paris, France, c.1450, Maître d'Olivier de Coëtivy)
- NkS 4° 3846 HORAE ad usum Romanum (France c.1530/40, late Bourdichon-style)
- NkS 8° 27 HORAE (France, Paris c.1490/1520)
- NkS 8° 27b Psalterium
- NkS 8° 27c HORAE Weekday-hours in Latin (Master of Margaret of York, Bruges c.1460-1470)
- Hore de Passione Domini from NkS 27c 8°
- Bruges Calendar from NkS 27c
- NkS 8° 28 HORAE (Hours of Niels Juul - Use of Paris, France c.1465/1475, Workshop of the Coëtivy-Master)
- Calendar in NkS 28 8°
- Alphabetical Calendar Index
- NkS 8° 34 HORAE ("Esperant mieux")(France c. 1500)
- NkS 8° 35 HORAE (Use of Tours, France, Tours c.1480-1490)
- NkS 8° 38 HORAE ad usum Romanum (Italy, Padova c.1490, School of Andrea Mantegna)
- NkS 8° 42 HORAE (In Dutch, use of Utrecht)
- NkS 8° 43 HORAE (Van Esch Hours, use of Utrecht in Dutch, Utrecht c.1430/40)
- NkS 8° 50h Seven Penitential Psalms (Hainaut c.1490) [Fulltext edition and CHD-Guide to the KB Online Facimile] Cf. London British Library Add.ms. 31838
- NkS 8° 897 HORAE (France)
- NkS 8° 1031 HORAE (In Dutch, )
- NkS 8° 1297 HORAE ad usum Romanum (c.1530/1540)
ADD Additamenta (Transferred from The University Library to the Royal Library)
- Additamenta 64 8° HORAE (Use of Paris, France c.1490)
- Additamenta 65 8° HORAE ad usum Romanum (Bruges c.1440-50)
Early Printed Books of Hours
Copenhagen - Other Collections
AM Bibliotheca Arnamagnaeana (University of Copenhagen)
- AM 69 8vo Psalterium Trajectanum (In Dutch) c.1490
- AM 71 8° HORAE (In Dutch) c.1490-1500
- AM 414 12° HORAE (Use of Paris) c.1400-1410 [All full-page miniatures missing]
- AM 416 12mo HORAE (In Dutch) Utrecht? c.1400
- AM 417 12° Prayerbook (Gebetbuch, Niederdeutsch) c.1460/70
Private Collections
- Codex cuj1 8° HORAE (Use of Sarum, Rouen c.1430) [Full transcript of the accessory texts]
- Codex cuj2 8° HORAE (Undetermined use, Northern France
(St.-Bertin/St.-Omer) c.1440-50)
- Codex cuj3 8° HORAE (Use of Coutances, Rouen c.1440-50)
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