New files and latest updates 2004-2006 and 2008-2012
For various reasons, beyond my control, has the general maintenance of the site unfortunately been somewhat neglected during the years 2008-2012.
There has, however, been added a number of long and extensive text passages from manuscripts and printed books of hours (files which not have been properly linked,
and thus remain undetected, except to correspondant scholars).
Another time consuming activity was to secure all pictures and documentation of the overwhelming number of single leaves from dismembered books of hours, put up for sale on eBay with a climax in 2007-2009,
a period where up to 100 new leaves were offered every month, just from one seller alone.
At every auction at Sotheby's and Christie's from 2006 to 2010 were complete, perfectly sound books of hours sold to dealers who intended to take the manuscripts apart and sell the miniatures and single leaves separately.
These many thousands of pictures are now secured for the future in the CHD Archives,
and will continously be processed over the next years, to contribute with substantial new knowledge about the contents, personal spirituality and psychology of the individual original owners.
The Dismembra section will in the future become host to valuable detailed new knowledge about the nature of "les Livres d'heures" and their makers.
Here are a few particulary fat bites:
- Beautiful Rouen Calendar in red, blue and gold. [Transcription 2008, not previously linked to from any page on this site]
With a warm thank to Dr. Heribert Tenschert who amiably let the calendar pictures remain on the Bibermuehle server, for the sake of the transcription.
- Antoine Verard: Horae ad usum Romanum, Paris 20.ix.1490, "Les Grandes Heures Royales"
Full transcriptions of major text sequences in this important edition.
- Septem Psalmi with the seven special prayers
- Suffrages and Prayers in Latin and French (ff.92-106)
- Thott 534 quarto "Heures a l'usage de Paris" Paris c.1310 Commendatio animarum
- Codex cuj1 Commendatio animarum (Rouen c.1420-1430) Use of Sarum
- Incipits in the Geert Grote translation
(file from 1998 that never has been uploaded to the server)
Simple text export from a FileMaker database from 1994. Unformatted.
To catch up with the systematic description of books of hours in the Royal Library in Copenhagen, made decades ago, will a number of descriptions be printed temporarily
as Microsoft Word html. I excuse for the poor aestetical look of such files. It is better than nothing.
NEW 2006
- ¶ Dismembered Manuscripts. A guide to single leaves from Books of Hours sold on eBay from 2002-2005 (in progress April 2006)
- ¶ The Spitz Hours - Hore ad usum Romanum, France c.1420 - Contents of Ms. 94.ML.26 in the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles
- ¶ Oracula Sibyllina The Sibyls in French Books of Hours. Signification and Iconography. (in progress April 2006)
- ¶ New guide to GKS 1605 Psalterium (Ghent c.1520-1525) with full facsimile of the decoration by the David-Master. Transcript of the Calendar - also with full facsimile and Alphabetical Index.
- ¶ The full transcription of NKS 50h 8vo has been revised with links to the online facsimile, and is placed on the server together with a description of the remaining part of the original Penitentiary (Vita Christi and Prayers) in the British Library Add.ms. 31838, thanks to a one week stay in London granted by Ny Carlsbergfondet in 2003.
- A selection of early printed Books of Hours has its own menu since 2002: Incunabula, which had the positive consequence that the Royal Library on the extraordinary initiative of research librarian Karen Skovgaard-Petersen decided to provide a full facsimile of the Sarum Hours printed on vellum for Anthoine Vérard 1503-1505.
The preliminary description from April 2002 (made long before the facsimile) has now been revised, and a full-text version with Alphabetical Index is in progres, see the Sarum Hours 1503-05 where all the prayers now are available (274Kb - it will soon be divided into smaller sections).
The calendar first published in 2002 is still there, now with links to the facsimile, see: Calendar
A comparative description of Vérards 1506 Sarum edition in the British Library was added, see: BL C.41.a.19.
With some of the new guides announced below and the forthcoming guide to GkS 1607 has a new function been introduced, for the benefit of the Tutorial.
Psalms and other standard texts will in the future be found in a clean full-text version on basis of the Biblia Vulgata, accessed from links within the various guides.
As it will take some time before this function is fully operative must we ask for your understanding until it has been implemented.
The Royal Library in Copenhagen has from time to time changed the url's to their digital facsimiles, with the consequence that there with intervals are some broken links in the CHD-Guides.
This will be corrected as soon as possible.
Recent publications
CHD Guide to the Facsimile of The Willamette Hours
by Erik Drigsdahl
- Kalendarium f.1
- Hours of the Cross Matins f.13
- Hours of the Holy Spirit Matins f.17
- Hours of the Virgin [Use of Tournai]
- A matines Matins f.21
- A laudes Lauds f.29
- A prime Prime f.37
- A tierche Terce f.41
- A midy Sext f.43v
- A none None f.46
- A vespres Vespers f.48v
- A complie Compline f.53v
- Salve Regina f.57
- Seven Penitential Psalms f.71
- Litanie f.83
- Commemoration of Saints f.70v
- Obsecro te f.73
- O intemerata f.75
- Office of the Dead f.81 [One nocturn: Tournai]
- Prayers in French
- Doulce Dame f.99 (15 Joys of the Virgin)
- Douls Dieus f.103 (Seven Requests to our Lord)
- Later Additions f.105
NEW 2005 Calendars
- Kalendar for Ypern (Ypres) c.1475 Horae ad usum Romanum CWRU (with Facsimile)
- Kalendar in The Copenhagen Psalter Ms. Thott 143 (England c.1170)
- Coutances c.1500 (Breviarium) Cph NkS 36 8°
- Kalendar in The Black Book of Hours Cod.Vind. 1856 (Bruges c.1470) [The online facsimile formerly provided by D&D Galleries was unfortunately removed from the server in 2005 due to copyright claims, all links are now broken. Sorry for this. The copyright will expire within a few years and the pictures can be reestablished for the benefit of all students]
The entire site is under reconstruction. Greater parts of the Tutorial on Books of Hours will gradually be open to the public, and so will a large number of files formerly under restricted access. During the revision will some links temporarily be out of function ("File not found" 404-error). If you are missing some of the documents, please have patience for a few months, or ask for a temporary pdf-file to be put up.
You are welcome to send a mail with special wishes if you are impatient to see some of the scheduled documents
See Contact CHD.
[Dismembered Manuscripts]
[Books of Hours in Copenhagen]
[CHD Guides]
[CHD Miscellenea]
©CHD Erik Drigsdahl. (Last update 22/02/2013)