![]() | Horæ ad usum Romanum A "Zwarte Ogen"- Master (Antwerp? c.1510-25) Copenhagen - The Royal Library - Ms. GkS 1607 4° |
Folio | Text (Click on the folio number to fetch a picture of the page from the KB Site) |
ff.1-12v° | KALENDARIUM (Dioc.Tournai?, sparcely filled-in. A general secular calendar, with a few saints revealing that it was composed in Flanders, it has only the mandatory holidays and a few more saints, apparently picked more or less at random, with a predominance of additional female saints. There is no concordance with the saints in the litany, and Saint Claude, included in the commemorations, is not found here.) All pages has a full painted border, rectopages with roundels of zodiac and labours of the month |
f.1 | Januarius: Aquarius - Man attended at Dinner A later 17th cent. owner has "adorned" the zodiacs with the letters in his name: H A N S - B E R T R A M 1. Circumcisio domini, 2. Oct. sancti stephani, 3. Oct. sancti iohannis, 4. Oct. sanctorum innocentium, 6. Epihania domini, 10. Pauli primi heremite |
f.1v | 17. Anthoni abbatis, 21. Agnetis v., 25. Conversio pauli, 31. Ignacii epi. |
f.2 | Februarius: Pisces - Man seated before a fire-place 2. Purificatio marie (Blasii stroked!), 3. Gilberti, 4. Dorothea, 9. Appolonie, 10. Scolastice, 14. Valentini |
f.2v | 14. Valentini epi (repeated by error, with same letter c), 22. Cathedra sancti petri, 23. Vigilia, 24. Mathie apostoli, 28. Romani abb. |
f.3 | Martius: Aries - Pruning of the fruiting shoots 12. Gregori pape |
f.3v | 17. Gertrudis v., 21. Benedicti, 25. Annunciatio marie, 27. Ruperti, 29. Quintini, 31. Sabine virginis. |
f.4 | Aprilis: Taurus - Young man with flowers 4. Ambrosii epi., 7. Eufemie, 14. Tiburcii. |
f.4v | 20. Victoris pape [probably error!], 23. Georgii mr., 30. Eutropii martiris. [Scroll in the border below: Deus caritas est et qui manet in caritate in deum |
f.5 | Maius: Gemini - Princely falconer with crown and scepter 1. Philippi et iacobi., 2. Athanasii epi., 3. Invencio sancte crucis., 15. Ysidori epi. [Scroll in the border below: O quam pulchra est casta queriratio cum caritate] |
f.5v | 19. Potenciane, 20. Bernaerdi, 22. Helena regine, 23. Juliane virginis, 31. Petronille. |
f.6 | Junius: Cancer - Sheeps brought to shearing 5. Bonifacii epi., 11. Barnaba apostoli. |
f.6v | 18. Marcelliani., 19. Gervasii, 23. Vigilia, 24. Nativitas iohannes baptista, 25. Amandi [NB], 28. Vigilia, 29. Petri et pauli., 30. Marcialis. |
f.7 | Julius: Leo - Haymaking, peasent enjoying a swig of his bottle 1. Octava sancti iohanni, 2. Visitacio beate marie, 10. Rufine, 11. Pii pape, 15. Divisio apostolorum. |
f.7v | 16. Hilarii epi., 22. Marie magdalene., 23. Appolinaris epi., 25. Jacobi et xpofori., 26. Anna. [Border with birds, half fantasy, half naturalistic] |
f.8 | Augustus: Virgo - Grain Harvest 1. Ad vincula petri., 9. Vigilia, 10. Laurentii martiris., 14. Vigilia, 15. Assumptio marie. [Border with fantasy birds] |
f.8v | 16. Arnulphi conf., 23. Vigilia, 24. Bartholomei., 28. Augustini epi., 29. Decollatio iohannis. |
f.9 | September: Libra - Sowing 2. Anthonii, 8. Nativitas marie., 9. Gorgonii, 14. Exaltacio crucis., 15. Nicomedis. |
f.9v | 17. Lamberti epi., 20. Vigilia, 21. Mathie apostoli., 29. Michaelis archangeli, 30. Iheronimi presbiteri. |
f.10 | October: Scorpio - Wine harvest 1. Bavoni conf. [NB], 9. Dyonisii epi. |
f.10v | 18. Luce ewangeliste., 21. XI.Milium virginum., 25. Crispini et crispiniani, 27. Vigilia, 28. Simonis et iude., 31. Vigilia. |
f.11 | November: Sagittarius - Slaughtering of a pig 1. Omnium sanctorum., 2. Omnium animarum., 3. Huberti epi., 11. Martini epi.., 13. Brictii epi. |
f.11v | 22. Cecilia virginis., 25. Katherina v., 29. Vigilia, 30. Andree apostoli. |
f.12 | December: Capricorn - Baking of apples 4. Barbara, 6. Nicholay epi., 8. Conceptio marie., 13. Lucia virginis., 14. Nichasii epi. [NB] |
f.12v | 18. Graciani., 20. Vigilia, 21. Thome apostoli., 23. Vigilia, 24. Nativitas domini., 25. Stephani mr., 26. Johannis ewangeliste., 27. Omnium innocentium., 31. [Silvestri pape - apparently erased after a later correction] |