CHD Hours of the Virgin
Hore Beate Marie Virginis - Use of Rome - Ad usum Romanum

|See also: Office of the Dead Use of Rome |

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Ad Matutinum Invitatorium Ave maria
Hymnus Quem terra ponthusAnt. ps. 8: Benedicta tu
Lectio i. In omnibus requiem Responsorium i. Sancta et immaculata
Ad LaudesPss. 92, 99, 62, 66, B, 148, 150
Antiphona Assumpta est
Capitulum Viderunt eam filie syon Hymnus O gloriosa domina
Antiphona super Benedictus Beata dei genitrix
Ad PrimamPss. 53, 84, 116
Hymnus Memento salutis auctor
Antiphona Assumpta est
Capitulum Que est ista R. Dignare me
Ad TertiamPss. 119, 120, 121
Hymnus As primam
Antiphona Maria virgo assumpta est
Capitulum Et sic in syon R. Diffusa est
Ad SextamPss. 122, 123, 124
Antiphona In odorem
Capitulum Et radicavi R. Benedicta tu
Ad NonamPss. 125, 126, 127
Antiphona Pulchra es et decora
Capitulum In plateis sicut R. Post partum
Ad VesperasPss. 109, 112, 121, 126, 147
Antiphona Dum esset rex
Capitulum Ab initio et ante Hymnus Ave maris stella
Antiphona super Magnificat Beata mater et innupta
Ad CompletoriumPss. 128, 129, 130
Antiphona - (no antiphon)
Capitulum Ego mater pulchre Hymnus Memento
Antiphona super Nunc dimittis Sub tuum presidium

ED notes: The "Use of Rome" in the 15th century (Franciscan liturgy) is identical with the later "Officium parvum B.M.V. extra Adventum" found in any printed Breviarium Romanum up to 1969.
Variants: Only insignificant adjustments has been made since the late 15th century.
Other sources: All the flemish books of hours printed as complete facsimiles, edited in the series Codices Selecti (Graz) are for the use of Rome. The online facsimile of Copenhagen KB GkS 1607 is also a late flemish book of hours "ad usum Romanum".Several other digital facsimiles on the web are also 'Hore ad usum Romanum', see some links on the CHD Guide

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© Erik Drigsdahl 1999