| Acknowledgements |
A special expression of gratitude to Ny
Carlsbergfondet for continued generous financial support
of my research in illuminated manuscripts for more than 35 years, in the form of numerous grants to cover
some of the travel expenses from 1969 to 2004.
I am greatly indepted to the following colleagues and scholars (in alphabetical
order) for having provided valuable information
concerning the illuminated
manuscripts in Copenhagen, or material for the CHD databases:
[Other scholars who have been generous in sharing their knowledge in a particular field are mentioned in the actual document].
- François Avril, Conservateur emerité, Bibliothèque Nationale de France
- Dr. Adelaide Bennett Hagens, Index of Christian Art
- Bonnie Blackburn, Oxford
- Overarkivar Ivan Boserup, Head of the Department of Manuscripts & Rare Books, CMB The Royal Library, Copenhagen
- Dr. Elizabeth Burin
- Prof. emeritus Albert Châtelet, Strasbourg
- Prof. Gregory T. Clark, Sewanee, Tennessee
- The Conway Library, and the helpful staff at The Courtauld Institute, London
- Lisa Fagin Davis, Boston Mass.
- Ilya Dines, Tel Aviv
- Cristina Dondi, The Bodleian Library Incunable Project, Oxford
- Consuelo W. Dutschke, Columbia University
- Prof. Marc Gil, Université Charles-de-Gaule Lille 3
- Prof. Jeffrey Hamburger
- Christopher de Hamel, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
- Lektor Svend Hendrup, Romansk Institut, Københavns Universitet
- Dr. Jos.M.M. Hermans, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
- Koert van der Horst, Curator of Manuscripts, University Library Utrecht
- Margriet Hülsmann, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Peter Kidd, Free-lance manuscript scholar and consultant, London
- Dr. Kathy M. Krause, Professor of French, Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City
- Dom André Kolly, Le Père Abbé du St-Benoît de Port-Valais au Bouveret, for his kind permission to allow me access to the notes of Dom G.-M. Beyssac
- Anne S. Korteweg, KB The Royal Library in The Hague (Retired Curator of the Manuscript Department)
- Prof. Anne-Marie Legaré, Université de Lille
- James H. Marrow, Prof. emeritus, Princeton University
- In 2003 and 2004 did James Marrow and his wife Emily Rose generously donate
more than 100 titles to the CHD Reference Library,
including 16 valuable books on manuscripts otherwise not available in any public library in Denmark
- Herman Mulder, Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België, Brussel
- Susie Nash, The Courtauld Institute, London
- Dr. Ina Nettekoven [Antikvariat Tenschert, Bibermühle]
- Dr. Knud Ottosen, Institute of Church History, Aarhus University
- Dr. Erik Petersen, CMB The Royal Library in Copenhagen
- Lilian M.C. Randall, former curator of manuscripts, Walters Art Museum
- Karen Skovgaard-Petersen, CMB The Royal Library in Copenhagen
- Sophie Somers, formerly Studiecentrum Vlaamse Miniaturisten, Leuven
- Dr. Frauke Steenbock, former curator of manuscripts, Kupferstichkabinett Berlin
- Prof. Alison Stones, University of Pittsburgh
- Kay Sutton, Christie's London
- Dr. Heribert Tenschert, Bibermühle
- Dominique Vanwijnsberghe, Brussels (Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium)
- Roger S. Wieck, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York
- Hanno Wijsman, Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes (IRHT) Paris
- Helen C. Wüstefeld, Museum Catharijne Convent, Utrecht
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Last update 03/03/2013