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CHD Tutorial Kalendar for Evreux c.1300-1320 Copenhagen KB, Heures à l'usage de Paris, Ms. Thott 534 4° |
Date | KL | Janvier | Forme Latin | Notes | |
01.01 | iij | A | *La circoncision ihesu crist D' | Circumcisio domini | |
02.01 | b | octaves seint estienne | Oct. Stephani | ||
03.01 | xj | c | octaves s. iehan | Oct. Johannis ev. | |
04.01 | d | octaves des innocenz | Oct. innocentium | ||
05.01 | xix | e | |||
06.01 | viij | f | *Laparition nostre seigneur | Epiphania domini | |
07.01 | g | ||||
08.01 | xvj | A | |||
09.01 | v | b | |||
10.01 | c | ||||
11.01 | xiij | d | |||
12.01 | ij | e | |||
13.01 | f | octaves de laparition et s. ylaire | Oct. epyphanie. Hilarii epi. | (Bishop of Poitiers) | |
14.01 | x | g | s. felice confessor | Felicis cf. | |
15.01 | A | s. mor abbe | Mauri ab. | ||
16.01 | xviij | b | s. marcel pape et martyr | Marcelli pp. | |
17.01 | vij | c | s. suplice conf. et s. antoine abbe | Sulpicii cf. Anthonii ab. | (Sulpice, Bishop of Bourges) |
18.01 | d | s. prisce virge | Prisce v. | ||
19.01 | xv | e | s. launomer abbe | Launomari ab. | (Chartres, Abbaye de Corbion) |
20.01 | iiij | f | s. fabien . s. sebastien martyrs | Fabiani et Sebastiani | |
21.01 | g | s. Agnes virge et martyr | Agnetis v. | ||
22.01 | xij | A | s. vincent martyr | Vincentii m. | |
23.01 | i | b | s. Emerenciane virge | Emerentiane v. | |
24.01 | c | ||||
25.01 | ix | d | conversion s. pol D' | Conversio Pauli ap. | |
26.01 | e | s. policarp euesque et martyr | Policarpi ep.m. | ||
27.01 | xvij | f | s. Julian euesque et confessor | Juliani ep. | (Bishop of Le Mans) |
28.01 | vj | g | s. Agnes secunde | Agnetis ii. | [Apparitio Agnetis v.] |
29.01 | A | ||||
30.01 | xiiij | b | |||
31.01 | iij | c | s. Gaust euesque deureus | Gaudi ep. | (Bishop of Evreux) |
KL | Fevrier | ||||
01.02 | d | s. Ignace euesque et martyr | Ignatii ep.m. | ||
02.02 | xj | e | purification nostre dame | Purificatio b.m.v. | |
03.02 | xix | f | s. blaise martyr et euesque | Blasii ep.m. | |
04.02 | viij | g | D' | ||
05.02 | A | s. Aghate virge et martyr | Agathe v. | (ms: Aghare?) | |
06.02 | xvj | b | s. vaast et s. Amant euesques | Vedasti et Amandi cf.ep. | |
07.02 | v | c | |||
08.02 | d | ||||
09.02 | xiij | e | s. Aubert euesque et conf. | Ansberti ep. | (Bishop of Rouen) |
10.02 | ij | f | s. scolace virge | Scholastice v. | |
11.02 | g | ||||
12.02 | x | A | |||
13.02 | b | ||||
14.02 | xviij | c | s. valentin martyr | Valentini m. | |
15.02 | vij | d | Translacion s. aquilin euesque | Translatio Aquilini ep. | (Bishop of Evreux) |
16.02 | e | ||||
17.02 | xv | f | |||
18.02 | iiij | g | |||
19.02 | A | ||||
20.02 | xij | b | |||
21.02 | i | c | |||
22.02 | d | La feste de la chaiere s. pierre | Cathedra Petri | ||
23.02 | ix | e | |||
24.02 | f | s. Mathie apostre | Matthie apostoli | ||
25.02 | xvij | g | |||
26.02 | vj | A | D' | ||
27.02 | b | s. honorine virge et martyr | Honorine v. | (Translation of relics from Normandy to Paris in 898) | |
28.02 | xiiij | c | |||
KL | Mars | ||||
01.03 | iij | d | s. Albin euesque D' | Albini ep. | (St-Aubin, Bishop of Angers) |
02.03 | e | s. venice virge | Veronice v. | (Unusual date) | |
03.03 | xj | f | |||
04.03 | g | ||||
05.03 | xix | A | |||
06.03 | viij | b | |||
07.03 | c | ||||
08.03 | xvj | d | |||
09.03 | v | e | |||
10.03 | f | ||||
11.03 | xiij | g | |||
12.03 | ij | A | s. Gregoire pape | Gregori pp. | |
13.03 | b | ||||
14.03 | x | c | |||
15.03 | d | ||||
16.03 | xviij | e | |||
17.03 | vij | f | |||
18.03 | g | ||||
19.03 | xv | A | |||
20.03 | iiij | b | |||
21.03 | c | La deposicion s. benoist | Depositio Benedicti ab. | ||
22.03 | xij | d | |||
23.03 | i | e | |||
24.03 | f | ||||
25.03 | ix | g | Lannuntiacion nostre dame | Annunciatio b.m.v. | |
26.03 | A | ||||
27.03 | xvij | b | |||
28.03 | vj | c | D' | ||
29.03 | d | ||||
30.03 | xiiij | e | |||
31.03 | iij | f | |||
KL | Avril | ||||
01.04 | g | ||||
02.04 | xj | A | |||
03.04 | b | ||||
04.04 | xix | c | s. Ambroise euesque | Ambrosii ep. | |
05.04 | viij | d | |||
06.04 | xvj | e | |||
07.04 | v | f | |||
08.04 | g | ||||
09.04 | xiij | A | |||
10.04 | ij | b | D' | ||
11.04 | c | ||||
12.04 | x | d | |||
13.04 | e | ||||
14.04 | xviij | f | s. Tyburce et s. valerian martyrs | Tiburtii et Valeriani m. | |
15.04 | vij | g | |||
16.04 | vij | A | |||
17.04 | xv | b | |||
18.04 | iiij | c | |||
19.04 | d | ||||
20.04 | xij | e | D' | ||
21.04 | i | f | |||
22.04 | g | ||||
23.04 | ix | A | s. Jorge martyr | Georgii m. | |
24.04 | b | ||||
25.04 | xvij | c | s. marc euuangeliste | Marci ev. | |
26.04 | vj | d | |||
27.04 | e | ||||
28.04 | xiiij | f | s. vital martyr | Vitalis m. | |
29.04 | iii | g | |||
30.04 | A | ||||
KL | May | ||||
01.05 | xj | b | s. phelipe . s. iaque apostres | Philippi et Jacobi ap. | |
02.05 | c | ||||
03.05 | xix | d | *Linvention sainte croix D' | Inventio crucis | |
04.05 | viij | e | |||
05.05 | f | ||||
06.05 | xvj | g | s. Jehan devant porte latine | Johannes ante portam latinam | |
07.05 | v | A | |||
08.05 | b | ||||
09.05 | xiij | c | *La translation s. nicholas euesque | Translatio Nicholae ep. | |
10.05 | ij | d | s. Gordian . s. epimach martyrs | Gordiani et Epimachi | |
11.05 | e | ||||
12.05 | x | f | s. nere . s. Achille et s. panchrace | Nerei et Achillei, Pancratii m. | |
13.05 | g | ||||
14.05 | xviij | A | |||
15.05 | vij | b | |||
16.05 | c | ||||
17.05 | xv | d | |||
18.05 | iiij | e | |||
19.05 | f | ||||
20.05 | xij | g | s. Potentiane virge | Potentiane v. | |
21.05 | i | A | |||
22.05 | b | ||||
23.05 | ix | c | s. Desier euesque et martyr | Desiderii ep. | (Bishop of Langres) |
24.05 | d | ||||
25.05 | xvij | e | s. urben . s. marc . s. pencrace martyrs | Urbani pp., Maximi, Pancratii m. | Marc: Maximus, called St-Mauxe in Evreux. (Usuardus: Pasicrates m.) |
26.05 | vj | f | |||
27.05 | g | s. hyldeuert euesque et conf. | Hildeberti ep. | (Bishop of Meaux) | |
28.05 | xiiij | A | |||
29.05 | iij | b | |||
30.05 | c | ||||
31.05 | xj | d | |||
KL | Juing | ||||
01.06 | e | ||||
02.06 | xix | f | s. Marcellin . s. pierre martyrs | Marcellini et Petri mrm. | |
03.06 | viij | g | |||
04.06 | xvj | A | |||
05.06 | v | b | |||
06.06 | c | ||||
07.06 | xiij | d | |||
08.06 | ij | e | s. Medart et s. Gildart martyrs | Medardi et Gildardi mrm. | |
09.06 | f | s. prime et s. felician martyrs | Primi et Feliciani mrm. | ||
10.06 | x | g | D' | ||
11.06 | A | s. barnabe apostre | |||
12.06 | xviij | b | sains basile . Cirini . nabor et lazare martyrs | Basilidis, Cirini, Naboris, Nazarii m. | (Cf. Martyrologium Usuardi; Lazare: scribal error for Nazare) |
13.06 | vij | c | |||
14.06 | d | s. Basile euesque | Basilii ep. cf. | (Basil the Great) | |
15.06 | xv | e | s. vite et s. modesti martyrs | Viti et Modesti | |
16.06 | iiij | f | s. Cire et s. Julite sa mere martyrs D' | Cirice et Julite mrm. | |
17.06 | g | ||||
18.06 | xii | A | s. Marc et s. marcellin martyrs | Marci et Marcelliani | |
19.06 | i | b | s. Gerues et s. prothes martyrs | Gervasi et Prothasi mrm. | |
20.06 | c | ||||
21.06 | ix | d | s. leufrei abbe | Leofredi ab. Ebroic. | Abbot from Evreux, relics in St-Germain-des-Près (fr. Leufroy, Lieffroy) |
22.06 | e | s. Alban martyr | Albani m. | ||
23.06 | xvij | f | Vegile | Vigilia | |
24.06 | vj | g | *s. Jehan baptiste | Johannis bapt. | |
25.06 | A | s. eloy confessor | Eligii cf. | (Translatio, cf. Dec.1) | |
26.06 | xiiij | b | s. Jehan et s. pol martyrs | Johannis et Pauli mrm. | |
27.06 | iij | c | |||
28.06 | d | s. Leon pape et conf. Vegile | Leonis pp. | ||
29.06 | xi | e | *s. pierre . s. pol apostres | Petri et Pauli ap. | |
30.06 | f | commemoration s. pol | Commemoratio Pauli | ||
KL | Juignest | ||||
01.07 | xix | g | oct. s. iehan bapt. | Oct. Johannis bapt. | |
02.07 | viij | A | s. swithun euesque . s. proces . s.martinian martyrs | Swithuni ep. Processi et Martiniani m. | (Swithun, bishop of Winchester, is unusual in French calendars) |
03.07 | b | ||||
04.07 | xvj | c | translation s. martin | Translatio Martini ep. | |
05.07 | v | d | |||
06.07 | e | Les octaves s. pierre et s. pol | Oct. Petri et Pauli ap. | ||
07.07 | xiij | f | |||
08.07 | ij | g | |||
09.07 | A | ||||
10.07 | x | b | La feste des sept freres | Septem fratrum | |
11.07 | c | Translation s. benoist abbe | Translatio Benedicti ab. cf. | ||
12.07 | xviij | d | |||
13.07 | vij | e | s. Thurian archeuesque D' | Thuriani ep. | (Bishop of Dol) |
14.07 | f | ||||
15.07 | xv | g | |||
16.07 | iiij | A | |||
17.07 | b | s. Alexi confessor | Alexii cf. | ||
18.07 | xij | c | s. Aquilin euesque . s. Arnola s. cler martyrs | Aquilini ep. Arnulfi m., Clari m. | (Aquilin, Bishop of Evreux) |
19.07 | i | d | |||
20.07 | e | s. Marguerite virge | |||
21.07 | ix | f | s. praxe virge | Praxedis v. | |
22.07 | g | s. marie magdaleine D' | |||
23.07 | xvij | A | s. Apollinar martyr | ||
24.07 | vj | b | s. Cristine virge | ||
25.07 | c | s. iaque apostre . s. xpofle | |||
26.07 | xiiij | d | |||
27.07 | iij | e | s. sanson conf. et s. penthaleon martyr | Samsonis ep. Panthaleonis m. | (Bishop of Dol) |
28.07 | f | ||||
29.07 | xj | g | s. felice . s. simplice . s. faustin . s. beatriz martyrs | Felicis pp., Simplicii, Faustini, Beatricis m. | (Cf. Martyrologium Usuardi) |
30.07 | xix | A | s. Abdon et sennes martyrs | Abdon et Sennes mrm. | |
31.07 | b | s. Germain euesque | Germani ep. | (Bishop of Auxerre) | |
KL | Aoust | ||||
01.08 | viij | c | s. pierre aus liens D' | Petri ad vinculi | |
02.08 | xvj | d | s. estienne pape et martyr | Stephani pp. | |
03.08 | v | e | Linvention s. estienne et ses compaing. | Inventio Stephani m. | |
04.08 | f | ||||
05.08 | xiij | g | |||
06.08 | ij | A | sainz felicissime . sixt et agapit martyrs | Felicissimi, Sixti pp. et Agapiti mrm. | (Cf. Martyrologium Usuardi) |
07.08 | b | s. donast euesque | Donati ep. | (Bishop of Besancon) | |
08.08 | x | c | s. Ciriace et ses compaignons martyrs | Ciriaci cum soc. mrm. | |
09.08 | d | s. Romain martyr . Vegile | Romani m. Vigilia. | ||
10.08 | xviij | e | *s. Lorenz martyr | Laurentii m. | |
11.08 | vij | f | *s. taurin euesque deureux | Taurini ep. | (Bishop of Evreux) |
12.08 | g | ||||
13.08 | xv | A | s. Looust euesque deureux | Laudulfi ep. cf. | (Bishop of Evreux) |
14.08 | iiij | b | s. eusebe confessor . Vegile | Eusebi cf. | |
15.08 | c | *Lassumption nostre dame | Assumptio b.m.v. | ||
16.08 | xij | d | |||
17.08 | i | e | Les octaves s. lorenz | Oct. Laurentii m. | |
18.08 | f | Les octaves s. taurin | Oct. Taurini ep. | ||
19.08 | ix | g | s. magne martyr | Magni m. | |
20.08 | A | s. Philebert abbe | Philiberti ab. | ||
21.08 | xvij | b | |||
22.08 | vj | c | Les octaves de lassumption nostre dame | Oct. Assumptionis | |
23.08 | d | ||||
24.08 | xiiij | e | s. barthelemeu ap. s. oen archeuesque | Bartholomei ap. Audoeni ep. | (Bishop of Rouen, fr. St-Ouen) |
25.08 | iij | f | s. loys roy de france | Ludovici regis | |
26.08 | g | s. nere et s. habunt martyrs | Hirenei et Habundi mrm. | ||
27.08 | xj | A | s. ruf martyr | Rufi m. | |
28.08 | xix | b | s. hermer martyr . s. augustin euesque | Hermes m. Augustini epi. | |
29.08 | c | Decollation s. iehan baptiste | Decollatio Johannis bapt. | ||
30.08 | viij | d | s. felice et s. audact | Felicis et Adaucti mrm. | |
31.08 | e | ||||
KL | Septembre | ||||
01.09 | xvj | f | s. gille abbe | Egidii ab. | |
02.09 | v | g | s. Antonin martyr | Antonini m. | |
03.09 | A | Lordination s. Gregoire | Ordinatio Gregorii pp. | ||
04.09 | xiij | b | Linvention s. taurin | Inventio Taurini ep. | (Bishop of Evreux) |
05.09 | ij | c | |||
06.09 | d | ||||
07.09 | x | e | |||
08.09 | f | *La nativite nostre dame | Nativitas b.m.v. | ||
09.09 | xviij | g | s. Gorgon martyr | Gorgonii m. | |
10.09 | vij | A | |||
11.09 | b | s. proth. et s. jacint | Prothi et Jacincti mrm. | ||
12.09 | xv | c | |||
13.09 | iiij | d | |||
14.09 | e | exaltation s. croyz | Exaltatio Crucis | ||
15.09 | xij | f | oct. de la nativite nostre dame | Oct. Nativitatis b.m.v. | |
16.09 | i | g | s. eufame virge | Eufemie v. | |
17.09 | A | s. lambert martyr | Lamberti m. | ||
18.09 | ix | b | |||
19.09 | c | ||||
20.09 | xvij | d | Vegile | Vigilia | |
21.09 | vj | e | *s. Matheu apostre | Matthei ap. | |
22.09 | f | s. morise et ses compaignons martyrs | Mauricii cum soc. mrm. | ||
23.09 | xiiij | g | s. Tecle virge | Tecle v. | |
24.09 | iij | A | |||
25.09 | b | s. Firmin martyr | Firmini ep. m. | (Bishop of Amiens) | |
26.09 | xj | c | |||
27.09 | xix | d | s. Cosme et s. dammian martyrs | Cosme et Damiani mrm. | |
28.09 | e | ||||
29.09 | viij | f | s. Michel archange | Michaelis archeangelis | |
30.09 | g | s. Jerome prestre | Hieronimi pb. | ||
KL | Octembre | ||||
01.10 | xvj | A | s. Romi et ses compaignons conf. | Remigii cum soc. cf. | (Translation into St-Rémi in Rheims) |
02.10 | v | b | s. Ligier martyr | Leodegarii m. | (Bishop of Autun) |
03.10 | xiij | c | |||
04.10 | ij | d | |||
05.10 | e | ||||
06.10 | x | f | sainte foy virge | Fides v. | (Relics a l'Abbaye de Conques) |
07.10 | g | s. marc . s. marcel et s. apule martyrs | Marci pp. Marcelli et Apuleii m. | (Cf. Martyrologium Usuardi, Sergius and Bacchus not celebrated in Evreux) | |
08.10 | xviij | A | s. Demetre martyr | Demetrii m. | |
09.10 | vij | b | *s. denis euesque et ses compaignons | Dyonisii cum soc. mrm. | (Bishop of Paris) |
10.10 | c | ||||
11.10 | xv | d | s. Niguese et ses compaig. martyrs | Nichasii cum soc. mrm. | (Bishop of Rouen) |
12.10 | iiij | e | |||
13.10 | f | ||||
14.10 | xij | g | s. Cales pape et martyr | Calixti pp. | |
15.10 | i | A | |||
16.10 | b | s. Michiel en mont de tumbelaine | Michael in monte Tumba | ||
17.10 | ix | c | |||
18.10 | d | s. Lucas euuangeliste | Luce ev. | ||
19.10 | xvij | e | |||
20.10 | vj | f | |||
21.10 | g | ||||
22.10 | xiiij | A | s. Mellon euesque et conf. D' | Melloni ep. | (Bishop of Rouen) |
23.10 | iij | b | s. Romain euesque et conf. | Romani ep. | (Bishop of Rouen) |
24.10 | c | ||||
25.10 | xj | d | s. Crispin et s. crispinian martyrs | Crispini et Crispiniani | |
26.10 | xix | e | s. Amant conf. | Amandi cf. Translatio | (Translation in Arras) |
27.10 | f | Vegile | Vigilia | ||
28.10 | viij | g | *s. symon et s. iude apostres | Simonis et Iude ap. | |
29.10 | A | ||||
30.10 | xvj | b | |||
31.10 | v | c | s. quentin martyr . Vegile | Quintini m. Vigilia | (St-Quentin) |
KL | Novembre | ||||
01.11 | d | *La toussainz | Omnium sanctorum | ||
02.11 | xiij | e | La feste des mors et s. eustace et ses compaignons martyrs | Commemoratio animarum. Eustachii et soc. mrm. | |
03.11 | ij | f | |||
04.11 | g | ||||
05.11 | x | A | D' | ||
06.11 | b | s. Leenart conf. et abbe | Leonardi ab. | (Leonard de Noblac, fr. Liénart) | |
07.11 | xviij | c | |||
08.11 | vij | d | s. Quatre coronez martyrs | Quattuor coronatorum | |
09.11 | e | s. Theodore martyr | Theodori m. | ||
10.11 | xv | f | s. Martin pape et conf. | Martini pp. | |
11.11 | iiij | g | *s. Martin arceuesque et conf. | Martini ep. | (Bishop of Tours) |
12.11 | A | ||||
13.11 | xij | b | s. Briz euesque et conf. | Briccii ep. | (Bishop of Tours) |
14.11 | i | c | |||
15.11 | d | ||||
16.11 | ix | e | |||
17.11 | f | s. Agnien euesque et conf. | Aniani ep. | (Bishop of Orleans) | |
18.11 | xvij | g | octaves s. martin | Oct. Martini ep. | |
19.11 | vj | A | |||
20.11 | b | s. Eadmunt roy et martyr | Edmundi regis | ||
21.11 | xiiij | c | s. Columban abbe | Columbani ab. | |
22.11 | iij | d | s. Cecile virge | Cecilie v. | |
23.11 | e | s. clement pape et martyr | Clementis pp. | ||
24.11 | xj | f | s. Grisogone martyr | Grisogoni m. | |
25.11 | xix | g | s. Katherine virge et martyre | Katherine v. | |
26.11 | A | ||||
27.11 | viij | b | |||
28.11 | c | D' | |||
29.11 | xvj | d | s. Saturnin martyr . Vegile | Saturnini m. | |
30.11 | v | e | *s. Andreu apostre | Andree ap. | |
KL | Decembre | ||||
01.12 | xiij | f | s. Eloy euesque et conf. | Eligii ep. | (Natale; cf. Translation on June 25) |
02.12 | ij | g | |||
03.12 | A | ||||
04.12 | x | b | |||
05.12 | c | ||||
06.12 | xviij | d | s. nicholas euesque | Nicholai ep. | |
07.12 | vij | e | octaves s. Andreu D' | Oct. Andree ap. | |
08.12 | f | conception nostre dame | Conceptio b.m.v. | ||
09.12 | xv | g | |||
10.12 | iiij | A | |||
11.12 | b | ||||
12.12 | xij | c | |||
13.12 | i | d | sainte luce virge | Lucie v. | |
14.12 | e | ||||
15.12 | ix | f | |||
16.12 | g | + | [O sapientia] | Cross (indicating the O antiphons) | |
17.12 | xvij | A | |||
18.12 | vj | b | |||
19.12 | c | ||||
20.12 | xiiij | d | |||
21.12 | iij | e | s. Thomas apostre | Thome ap. | |
22.12 | f | D' | |||
23.12 | xj | g | |||
24.12 | xix | A | |||
25.12 | b | *La nativite nostre seigneur | Nativitas domini | ||
26.12 | viij | c | *s. estienne prothomartyr | Stephani m. | |
27.12 | d | *s. Jehan euuangeliste | Johannis ev. | ||
28.12 | xvj | e | *Les innocens martyrs | Innocentium martyrum | |
29.12 | v | f | s. Thomas martyr | Thome ep. m. | (Bishop of Canterbury) |
30.12 | g | ||||
31.12 | xiij | A | s. seruestre pape | Silvestri pp. |