CHD Breton Calendar in Latin
Hours for the use of Rennes, Brittany c.1420-1430
Brandeis Libraries - Special Collections

Full composite calendar in Latin, with a saint for every day in the year. Composed for use in Bretagne (Brittany, France). Rennes was under the archdiocese of Tours, which is clearly reflected in the geographical spread of most of the french saints selected, drawing a belt right across France, from Finisterre in West over Le Mans to Tours in the East. To the expirienced student of calendars in French books of hours is this calendar highly unusual. First because its hagiography surprisingly is correct, without the usual scribal errors and misplacement of saints. Second because it has been composed on basis of a good copy of the Martyrologium Usuardi, and not a dubious copy of the so-called Martyrologium Hieronymianum. The scribe has taken a liturgical calendar (from a diocese in Brittany), and simply filled all the empty days in, with the first the best name he chose from his own copy of the martyrology of Usuard. This procedure resulted in a funny double of the Cathedra sancti Petri (18.01 & 22.02) - both days were legal in the 15th cent., but of course not twice in one church! The same peculiarity is also found in another later calendar from Brittany of the same type, but of a different composition: Heures de Pierre de Pledran et Catherine Madeue a l'usage de Nantes (Calendar from Vannes, Copenhagen Thott 114 8°). There are many saints from Brittany, but only one is mentioned in a way to reveal the liturgical origin of the basic calendar: Saint Goluinus, bishop of St.-Pol-de-Léon, whose octave has slipped in on July 8th as the only local saint with a documented major feast degree, and a translation as well (23 Aug.). The basic calendar, forming the skeleton of the composition, was then from Finisterre (St.-Pol-de-Léon or Tréguier). But is was valid everywhere in Brittany and can have travelled far around, The rubrication of Saint Aubin (1 March) points to Angers, where the manuscript eventually might have been written or decorated - it is difficult to combine three basic informations into one logical explanation: Liturgy from Finisterre, use of Rennes and a major saint from Angers! The failing success of the popular and widespread Paris calendar-model in Brittany can perhaps be explained by the simple fact that Breton and not French was the daily native language for many among the population in Brittany.
01.01iijACircumcisio domini
02.01bOct. sancti Stephani
03.01xjcOct. sancti Iohannis
04.01dOct. sanctorum innocencium
06.01viijfEpiphania domini
07.01gLuciani presbiteri
08.01xvjAFelicis episcopi
09.01vbMarciane virginis
10.01cPauli primi heremite
11.01xiijdGuillermi episcopi
12.01ijeSatiri martiris
13.01fHylarii episcopi
14.01xgFelicis presbiteri
15.01AMauri abbatis
16.01xviijbMarcelli papa martiris
17.01vijcAnthoni confessoris
18.01dCathedra sancti Petri
19.01xveLaunomari abbatis
20.01iiijfFabiani et Sebastiani martirum
21.01gAgnetis virginis
22.01xijAVincentii martiris
23.01ibEmerenciane virginis
24.01cBabille episcopi
25.01ixdConversio sancti Pauli
26.01ePolicarpi episcopi et martiris
27.01xvijfJuliani episcopi
28.01vjgAgnetis secundo
29.01AGildasii abbatis
30.01xiiijbYpoliti martiris
31.01iijcSaturnini et Victoris martirum
01.02dBrigide virginis
02.02xjePurificatio beate marie
03.02xixfBlasii episcopi
04.02viijgAventini episcopi
05.02AAgathe virginis
06.02xvjbVedasti et Amandi episcoporum
07.02vcAuguli episcopi
08.02dSalomonis martiris
09.02xiijeAppolonie virginis
10.02ijfScolastice virginis
11.02gDesiderii episcopi
12.02xASaturnini martiris
13.02bLicini episcopi[Andegavensis]
14.02xviijcValentini episcopi
15.02vijdCratonis martiris
16.02eJuliane virginis
17.02xvfSilvini episcopi
18.02iiijgSymonis episcopi
19.02AGabini presbiteri
20.02xijbGali presbiteri
21.02icSeptuaginta novem martirum
22.02dCathedra sancti Petri
23.02ixePolicarpi presbiteri
24.02fMathie apostoli
25.02xvijgVictorini martiris
26.02vjANestorii episcopi
27.02bJuliani martiris
28.02xiiijcRomani martiris
01.03iijdAlbini episcopi[Andegavensis]
02.03eJouini martiris
03.03xjfGuingaloey abbatis(Finisterre)
04.03gLucie pape et martiris
05.03xixAFoce martiris
06.03viijbVictoris et Victorini
07.03cPerpetue et Felicitatis
08.03xvjdAppolini martiris
09.03vePaciani episcopi
10.03fAlexandri martiris
11.03xiijgCandidi martiris
12.03ijAGregorii pape
13.03bEulalie virginis
14.03xcPetri martiris
15.03dMatrone virginis
16.03xviijePatricii episcopi
17.03vijfGeretrudis virginis
18.03gAlexandri episcopi
19.03xvAColoterii martiris
20.03iiijbGuberti confessoris(Depositio Cuthberti, Lindisfarne)
21.03cBenedicti abbatis
22.03xijdAfrodisii episcopi
23.03ieTheodori presbiteri
24.03f Vigilia
25.03ixgAnnunciacio dominica
26.03ACastuli martiris
27.03xvijbJohannis heremite
28.03vjcGondrammi regis
29.03dEustachii abbatis
30.03xiiijeQuirini martiris
31.03iijfSabine virginis
01.04gTheodore virginis
02.04xjAMarie egypciace
03.04bAgapitis virginis
04.04xixcAmbrosii episcopi
05.04viijdHyrenis virginis
06.04xvjeSixti pape et martiris
07.04vfEpiphanii epi et martiris
08.04gDionisii epi confessoris
09.04xiijAPreconii martiris
10.04ijbEzechielis pape
11.04cPhilippi episcopi
12.04xdZenonis episcopi
13.04eEufemie virginis
14.04xviijfTiburcii et Valeriani
15.04vijgOlimpiadis martiris
16.04vijAQuintuliani martiris
17.04xvbMapalici martiris
18.04iiijcPrefecti presbiteri
19.04dTimonis martiris
20.04xijeVictoris pape et martiris
21.04ifSymonis episcopi
22.04gGagi pape et martiris(Gaius)
23.04ixAGeorgii martiris
24.04bAlexandri martiris
25.04xvijcMarci evangeliste
27.04eAnastasiii pape
28.04xiiijfVitalis martiris
29.04iiigPetri martiris
30.04AEutropii epi et martiris
01.05xjbPhilippi et Iacobi apostolorum
02.05cAnastasii episcopi
03.05xixdInvencio sancte crucis
04.05viijeSilvani episcopi et martiris
05.05fRomani martiris
06.05xvjgJohannis ante portam Latinam
07.05vADomicille virginis
08.05bVictoris martiris
09.05xiijcTranslatio sancti Nicholay
10.05ijdGordiani et Epimachi
11.05eAventini presbiteri
12.05xfPascarii martiris
13.05gMarie ad martires
14.05xviijAPoncii martiris
15.05vijbYsidori martiris
16.05cModerandi episcopi
17.05xvdTorpetis martiris
18.05iiijeFelicis episcopi
19.05fYvonis confessoris[Bretagne]
20.05xijgAustregisilii episcopi
21.05iASecundini martiris
22.05bJulie virginis
23.05ixcDesiderii episcopi
24.05dDonaciani et Rogaciani
25.05xvijeUrbani pape et martiris
26.05vjfAugustini episcopi
27.05gJulii martiris
28.05xiiijAGermani episcopi
29.05iijbMaximini episcopi
30.05cHuberti episcopi
31.05xjdPetronille virginis
01.06eNichomedis martiris
02.06xixfMarcellini et Petri
03.06viijgYsaac monachi
04.06xvjAQuirini episcopi
05.06vbBonifacii episcopi et martiris
06.06cArchemii martiris
07.06xiijdTugduali episcopi[Trecorensis]
08.06ijeMedardi et Gildardi
09.06fPrimi et Feliciani
10.06xgGertuli martiris
11.06ABarnabe apostoli
12.06xviijbBasilidis martiris
13.06vijcAnthonii martiris
14.06dBasilii episcopi
15.06xveViti et Modesti martirum
16.06iiijfCirici et Iulite martiris
17.06gSimiliani episcopi
18.06xiiAHuervei confessoris[Abbas, Bretagne]
19.06ibMarci et Marcelliani
20.06cGervasii et Prothasii
21.06ixdMevenni abbatis
22.06eAlbani martiris
24.06vjgNativitas sancti Iohannis
25.06ATranslatio sancti Eligii episcopi
26.06xiiijbJohannis et Pauli martirum
27.06iijcCrescentis confessoris
29.06xiePetri et Pauli apostolorum
30.06fCommemoracio sancti Pauli
01.07xixgGoluini epi Theobaldi epi
02.07viijAProcessi et Martiniani
03.07bGregorii episcopi
04.07xvjcTranslatio sancti Martini
05.07vdDomicii martiris
06.07eOctave apostolorum
07.07xiijfNichostrati martiris
08.07ijgOctava sancti Goluini[St.-Pol-de-Léon]
09.07AZenonis martiris
10.07xbSeptem fratrum martirum
11.07cTranslatio sancti Benedicti
12.07xviijdHermogene martiris
13.07vijeTuriani episcopi
14.07fCipriani martiris
15.07xvgBenedicti episcopi
16.07iiijAHelerii martiris
17.07bSeperati martiris
18.07xijcArnulphi epi et confessoris
19.07idRufine virginis
20.07eMargarete virginis
21.07ixfPraxedis virginis
22.07gMarie magdalene
23.07xvijAAppollinaris virginis
24.07vjbCristine virginis
25.07cJacobi apostoli. Xpofori martiris
26.07xiiijdAnne matris marie virginis
27.07iijeSeptem dormiencium
28.07fSansonis episcopi
29.07xjgGuillermi episcopi
30.07xixAAbdon et Sennes martirum
31.07bGermani episcopi
01.08viijcAd vincula sancti Petri
02.08xvjdStephani pape et mr.
03.08veInvencio sancti Stephani
04.08fTerculini martiris
05.08xiijgDominici confessoris
06.08ijATransfiguratio domini
07.08bDonati epi et martiris
08.08xcCiriaci et Largi martirum
09.08dRomani mr. Vigilia
10.08xviijeLaurencii martiris
11.08vijfTiburcii martiris
12.08gHylarie martiris
13.08xvAYpolite martiris
15.08cAssumpcio beate Marie
16.08xijdArmagili confessoris
17.08ieMammetis martiris
18.08fAgapiti martiris
19.08ixgMagni martiris
20.08APhiliberti abbatis
21.08xvijbPrivati episcopi
22.08vjcThimothei et Simphoriani
23.08dTranslacio sancti Goluini(St-Pol de Léon)
24.08xiiijeBartholomei apostoli
25.08iijfLudovici regis
26.08gSecundini martiris
27.08xjARuffi martiris
28.08xixbJuliani martiris
29.08cDecollatio sancti Iohannis baptiste
30.08viijdFelicis et Adaucti martirum
31.08ePaulini epi et confessoris
01.09xvjfEgidii abbatis
02.09vgAntonini martiris
03.09AOrdinacio sancti Gregorii
04.09xiijbMarcelli martiris
05.09ijcVictorini martiris
06.09dLeti episcopi
07.09xeEvurcii episcopi
08.09fNativitas beate Marie
09.09xviijgGorgonii martiris
10.09vijAHylarii pape et conf.
11.09bProthi et Iacincti martirum
12.09xvcSacerdotis episcopi
13.09iiijdMaurilii episcopi
14.09eExaltacio sancte crucis
15.09xijfNichomedis martiris
16.09igEufemie virginis
17.09ALamberti episcopi
18.09ixbFerreoli martiris
19.09cGenonis martiris
21.09vjeMathei apostoli et evangeliste
22.09fMauricii sociorumque eius
23.09xiiijgTecle virginis
24.09iijAConcepcio beati Iohannis baptiste
25.09bFirmini episcopi
26.09xjcJustine virginis
27.09xixdCosme et Damiani martirum
28.09eExuperii episcopi
29.09viijfMichaelis in monte Gargano
30.09gJeronimi presbiteri
01.10xvjARemigii et Germani conf.
02.10vbLeodegari episcopi
03.10xiijcCandidi martiris
04.10ijdFrancisci confessoris
05.10eAppolinaris episcopi
06.10xfFidis virginis
07.10gMarci pape et martiris
08.10xviijAMarcelli et Apulei
09.10vijbDyonisii sociorumque eius
10.10cPauli episcopi
11.10xvdCantini episcopi
12.10iiijeEdicii martiris
13.10fGeraldi confessoris
14.10xijgCalixti pape et martiris
15.10iAAntiochi episcopi
16.10bMichaelis in monte Tumba
17.10ixcLupi episcopi
18.10dLuce evangeliste
19.10xvijeTholomei martiris
20.10vjfCaprasii martiris
21.10gUndecim milium virginum
22.10xiiijAMarie Salome
23.10iijbBenedicti confessoris
24.10cMaglorii episcopi
25.10xjdCrispini et Crispiniani
26.10xixeRustici episcopi
28.10viijgSymonis et Iude apostolorum
29.10ATranslacio sancti Yvonis[Tréguier]
30.10xvjbSerapionis episcopi
01.11dFestivitas omnium sanctorum
02.11xiijeCommemoracio defunctorum
03.11ijfGobriani episcopi
04.11gClari presbiteri
05.11xALeti presbiteri
06.11bMelani episcopi
07.11xviijcHerculiani episcopi
08.11vijdQuatuor coronatorum
09.11eTheodori martiris
10.11xvfMartini pape conf.
11.11iiijgMartini archiepiscopi
12.11ARenati episcopi
13.11xijbBriccii episcopi
14.11icSerapionis martiris
15.11dMaclovii episcopi
16.11ixeCutberii episcopi
17.11fAniani episcopi
18.11xvijgElichei martiris
19.11vjAElizabeth virginis
20.11bPonciani pape martiris
21.11xiiijcPresentacio beate Marie
22.11iijdCecilie virginis
23.11eClementis pape
24.11xjfGrisogoni martiris
25.11xixgKatherine virginis
26.11AJulii pape et martiris
27.11viijbAgricole et Vitalis
28.11cRuffi martiris
30.11veAndree apostoli
01.12xiijfEligii episcopi
02.12ijgVeri et Securi martirum
03.12ACassiani martiris
04.12xbMelerij episcopi
05.12cCrispine virginis
06.12xviijdNicholay episcopi
07.12vijeOct. sancti Andree
08.12fConcepcio beate Marie
09.12xvgValerie virginis
10.12iiijAEulalie virginis
11.12bDamasci pape
12.12xijcCorentini episcopi
13.12idLucie virginis
14.12eEutropie virginis
15.12ixfValeriani episcopi
16.12gBarbare virginis
17.12xvijALazari episcopi
18.12vjbGaciani episcopi
19.12cDemesii martiris
20.12xiiijdJulii martiris
21.12iijeThome apostoli
22.12fChirionis martiris
23.12xjgServuli martiris
25.12bNativitas domini
26.12viijcStephani prothomartiris
27.12dJohannis apostoli et evangeliste
28.12xvjeSanctorum innocencium
29.12vfThome archiepiscopi
30.12gPerpetui confessoris
31.12xiijASilvestri pape et martiris

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©2001 Erik Drigsdahl & CHD Center for Håndskriftstudier i Danmark
Last update 07/02/2001