Books and catalogues
- Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts of University College, Oxford (in preparation: Oxford, 2026)
- Catalogue of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
at Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, NY, 2024)
- The McCarthy Collection, III: French Miniatures (London,
2021) [PDF of Introduction]
- The McCarthy Collection, II: Spanish, English, Flemish and
Central European Miniatures (London, 2019)
- 500 Years: Treasures from the Library of Corpus Christi College,
Oxford (London, 2017)
- Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts of The
Queen's College, Oxford (Oxford, 2016)
- Books of Hours / Livres d'Heures (London, 2014) [PDF]
- [With Kristen Collins and Nancy K. Turner] The St. Albans
Psalter: Painting and Prayer in Medieval England (Los Angeles,
- 'Supplement to the Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in
the Huntington Library', Huntington Library Quarterly, 72
no. 4 (2009), pp.1–101. [PDF]
- Medieval Manuscripts from the Collection of T. R. Buchanan in
the Bodleian Library, Oxford (Oxford, 2001).
- A Second Selection of Illuminated Manuscripts from c.1000 to
c.1522: The Property of Mr J. R. Ritman, Sold for the Benefit of the
Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, Amsterdam [auction
catalogue, Sotheby's] (London, 2001).
- Western Manuscripts and Miniatures [auction catalogue,
Sotheby's] (2001).
- Western Manuscripts and Miniatures [auction catalogue,
Sotheby's] (2000).
- Illuminated Manuscripts, Catalogue of an Exhibition at the
Blumka Gallery, New York, January–February, 1999 (London, 1998).
Articles and chapters
- ‘Fragments from the So-Called St Geneviève Bible’, Libri & Documenti [in press, 2025]
- ‘Leaves from a Thirteenth-Century Illuminated Bible’, Bodleian Library Record, 35.1–2 (‘2022’ [2024]), pp. 198–203
- [With Beatrice Alai] 'Cuttings from an Illustrated Twelfth-Century
French Manuscript Bible at the Getty Museum and the Berlin
Kupferstichkabinett', Getty Research Journal (in press,
April 2024)
- 'The Provenance of the Manuscript', in Liber Astrologiae: Abū
Ma'shar Treatise, ed. by Manuel Moleiro (Barcelona: Moleiro,
2023), pp.363–69
- 'The Provenance of the Manuscript', in Mattioli's Dioscorides,
Illustrated by Cibo: [London, BL,] Add. Ms. 22332 (Barcelona:
M. Moleiro, 2021), pp.451–53
- 'Medieval Manuscripts from the Collection of Captain Jack Ball', in
Beyond Words: New Research on Manuscripts in Boston Collections,
ed. by Jeffrey F. Hamburger and others (Toronto: PIMS, 2021),
pp.283–300, 349–50
- 'Illuminating the Past', in Taste, Trade and Europe: National
Trust Historic Houses and Collections Annual 2019 (National
Trust, in association with Apollo, 2019), pp.23–28
- 'The Use of Price-Codes (and Associated Marks) in Provenance
Research', in [Ian Jackson], Chamberpot and Motherfuck: The
Price-Codes of the Book-Trade (Narberth, 2017), pp.61–83
- 'Medieval Origins Revealed by Modern Provenance: The Case of the
Bywater Missal', Manuscript Studies: A Journal of the Schoenberg
Institute for Manuscript Studies, 1 no.2 (2016), pp.273–92 [PDF
available online]
- [short catalogue entry in] Beyond Words: Illuminated
Manuscripts in Boston Collections (Boston, 2016), no.79 p.103
- [With Richard C. Hoffman] 'The Haslinger Breviary Fishing Tract,
Part I', The American Fly Fisher, 42 no.2 (Spring 2016),
- 'The Provenance of The Hours of Marie de' Medici' and 'Summary
Description', in The Flemish Book of Hours of Marie de' Medici:
MS. Douce 112, Bodleian Library, Oxford; Commentary to the Facsimile
Edition (Graz, 2011), pp.315–43
- 'The Provenance of the Harley Splendor Solis' and 'Appendix', in Splendor
Solis: Harley MS. 3469 (Barcelona, 2011), pp.91–101, 171
- 'UCLA Rouse MS 32: The Provenance of a Dismembered Italian
Illuminated Book of Hours Illuminated by the Master of the Brussels
Initials', in Medieval Manuscripts, Their Makers and Users: A
Special Issue of Viator in Honor of Richard and Mary Rouse
(Turnhout, 2011), pp.279–91
- 'An Unnoticed Photograph at Houghton Library; or, Unknown Leaves
from the Library of Raphael de Marcatellis', in Piecing Together
the Picture: Fragments of German and Netherlandish Manuscripts in
Houghton Library, edited by Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Harvard
Library Bulletin, 21 nos.1-2 (Spring-Summer 2010), pp.143–51
- 'London, British Library, Yates Thompson MS. 10' and 'The Provenance
of the Manuscript', in Apocalypsis Yates Thompson (MS. 10): Libro
de estudios / Apocalypse Yates Thompson: Book of Studies (AyN
Ediciones and The British Library, 2010), pp.27–46
- 'Codicological Clues to the Patronage of Stowe MS. 39: A
Fifteenth-Century Illustrated Nun's Book in Middle English', Electronic
British Library Journal [] (2009), article
- 'Cambridge, Pembroke College MS 120: Overlooked and New
Observations', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical
Society, 13 no. 3 (2008, for 2006), pp.289–99
- 'Contents and Codicology', in The St Albans Psalter (Albani
Psalter) (Simbach am Inn, 2008), pp.41–156
- 'Cantare le fede: Il Salterio di St. Albans', Alumina: Pagine
Miniate, 22 (2008), pp.18–25
- 'La storia del Ms. Yates Thompson 29', 'Il contenuto del Ms. Yates
Thompson 29' and 'Scheda descrittiva del manoscritto', in Il
libro d'ore di Bonaparte Ghislieri, edited by Massimo Medica
(Modena, 2008), pp.209–34, 235–40, and 241–47
- 'A Franciscan Bible Illuminated in the Style of W. de Brailes', Electronic
British Library Journal (2007), article
- 'Storia del codice: Il Codice Yates Thompson 36 dal XV al XX
secolo', and 'Scheda codicologica', in La Divina commedia di
Alfonso d'Aragona re di Napoli (Manoscritto Yates Thompson 36,
Londra, British Library); Commentario I, edited by Milvia
Bollati (Modena, 2006), pp.139–58, 187–8 [PDF
of original English text]
- [With Thomas Kren] 'Reconstruction of the Hours of Louis XII', in A
Masterpiece Reconstructed: The Hours of Louis XII, edited by
Thomas Kren (Los Angeles and London, 2005), pp.91–4
- 'In Search of Lost Miniatures', in Halina Tchórzewska-Kabata (ed.),
Odnaleziona Miniatura z Psałterza Potockich / A Newly-Found
Miniature from the Potocki Psalter (Warsaw, 2005) pp.12–13
(Polish) and 19–20 (English)
- 'Index V: Iconography', in N. R. Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in
British Libraries, vol. V, Indexes and Addenda, edited by A. G.
Watson and I. C. Cunningham (Oxford, 2002), pp.224–44
- 'A Re-Examination of the Date of an Eleventh-Century Psalter from
Winchester (British Library, MS Arundel 60)', in Brendan Cassidy and
Rosemary Muir Wright, eds., Studies in the Illustration of the
Psalter (Stamford, 2001), pp.42–54
- 'Notable Accessions: Western Manuscripts', Bodleian Library
Record, 17 (2000), pp.45–50
- 'Notable Accessions: Western Manuscripts', Bodleian Library
Record, 16 (1998), pp.271–3
- Victoria & Albert Museum, 'Fragmented Illuminations: Medieval
and Renaissance Manuscript Cuttings at the V&A', exhibition
reviewed in The Burlington Magazine, CLXIII no. 1424 (2021),
- David Pearson, Provenance Research in Book History: A Handbook
(2nd edn., Oxford, 2019), reviewed in The Book Collector, 68
(2019), pp.574–6
- Christopher de Hamel, Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts
(London, 2016), reviewed in The Library, 18 (2017), pp.345–6
- Anne Margreet W. As-Vijvers, Tuliba Collection: Catalogue of
Manuscripts and Miniatures from the Fifteenth and Sixteenth
Centuries (Hilversum, 2014), reviewed in Rare Books
Newsletter, 104 (November 2016), p.22
- Wendy Scase (ed.), The Making of the Vernon Manuscript: The
Production and Contexts of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Eng. poet.
a. 1 (Turnhout, 2013), reviewed in Rare Books Newsletter,
97 (August 2014), pp.16–17 [PDF]
- Virginia Reinburg, French Books of Hours: Making an Archive of
Prayer, c. 1400-1600 (Cambridge, 2012), reviewed in The
Catholic Historical Review, 99 no.2 (2013), pp.320–21
- Kathryn A. Smith, The Taymouth Hours: Stories and the
Construction of Self in Late Medieval England (London, 2012),
reviewed in Rare Books Newsletter, 95 (Summer, 2013),
- Royal Manuscripts: The Genius of Illumination, ed. by
McKendrick Scot, John Lowden & Kathleen Doyle, with Joanna Frońska
and Deirdre Jackson. (London, 2011), reviewed in Rare Books
Newsletter, no.93 (Autumn, 2012), p.25
- Paul Binski and Patrick Zutshi with the collaboration of Stella
Panayotova, Western Illuminated Manuscripts: A Catalogue of the
Collection in Cambridge University Library (Cambridge, 2011),
reviewed in Rare Books Newsletter, 92 (Summer, 2012),
- Rowan Watson, Western Illuminated Manuscripts: A Catalogue of
Works in the National Art Library from the Eleventh to the Early
Twentieth Century, with a Complete Account of the George Reid
Collection (London, 2011), reviewed in AMARC Newsletter,
58 (2012), pp.19–22
- R. C. Alston, Inventory of Sale Catalogues of Named and
Attributed Owners of books Sold by Retail or Auction 1676-1800: An
Inventory of Sales in the British Isles, America, the United States,
Canada and India (2010), reviewed in Rare Books Newsletter,
91 (special issue, 2012), pp.2–3
- The Medieval Book: Glosses from Friends & Colleagues of
Christopher de Hamel, ed. by James H. Marrow et al. (2010),
reviewed in Rare Books Newsletter, 90 (Winter, 2011)
- Christopher de Hamel, Gilding the Lilly: A Hundred Medieval and
Illuminated Manuscripts at the Lilly Library (2010), reviewed
in Rare Books Newsletter, 90 (Winter, 2011)
- B. C. Barker-Benfield, ed., Corpus of British Medieval Library
Catalogues, 13: St Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, reviewed in Rare
Books Newsletter, 85 (Winter, 2009)
- Kathleen L. Scott, Tradition and Innovation in Later Medieval
English Manuscripts (London, 2007), reviewed in Rare Books
Newsletter, 83 (Summer, 2008), pp.16–17
- R. M. Thomson, Books and Learning in Twelfth-Century England:
The Ending of 'Alter Orbis' (Walkern, 2006), reviewed in Rare
Books Newsletter, 82 (Winter, 2008), p.27
- Neil R. Ker, Fragments of Medieval Manuscripts used as
Pastedowns in Oxford Bindings, with a Survey of Oxford Binding c.
1515–1620 (Oxford, 2004), reviewed in The Library, 7
(2006), pp.459–61
- Paul Binski and Stella Panayotova, eds., The Cambridge
Illuminations: Ten Centuries of Book Production in the Medieval West
(Cambridge, 2005), reviewed in Rare Books Newsletter, 76
(Winter 2005), pp.63–4
- Pamela Robinson, Catalogue of Dated & Datable Manuscripts
c.888–1600 in London Libraries (London, 2003), reviewed in The
Times Literary Supplement, 4 June 2004, p.24
- Gregory T. Clark, Made in Flanders: The Master of the Ghent
Privileges and Manuscript Painting in the Southern Netherlands in
the Time of Philip the Good (Turnhout, 2000), reviewed in Manuscripta,
vols 45/46 for 2001/2002 (2003), pp.171–5
- A. S. G. Edwards, ed., Decoration and Illustration in Medieval
English Manuscripts, English Manuscript Studies, 10 (London,
2002), reviewed in The Library, series 7, vol.4 (2003),
- The Benedictional of St Æthelwold, a Masterpiece of Anglo-Saxon
Art: A Facsimile, with an introduction by Andrew Prescott
(London, 2002), reviewed in The Burlington Magazine, 145
(2003), p.461
- Kristine Haney, The St. Albans Psalter: An Anglo-Norman Song of
Faith (New York, 2002), reviewed in Medium Ævum, 72
(2003), pp.310–11
- M. C. Seymour, ed., The Defective Version of Mandeville's
Travels, Early English Text Society, Original Series, 319
(Oxford, 2002), reviewed in The Library, series 7, vol. 4
(2003), pp.178–9
- Kathleen Scott, ed., An Index of Images in English Manuscripts
from the Time of Chaucer to Henry III c.1380–c.1509: The Bodleian
Library, Oxford, Fascicle III: MSS e Musaeo–Wood (London,
2002), reviewed in The Burlington Magazine, 145 (2003),
- Susie Nash, Between France and Flanders: Manuscript
Illumination in Amiens (London, 1999), reviewed in The
Library (2001), pp.179–80
- Alan Coates, English Medieval Books: The Reading Abbey
Collections from Foundation to Dispersal (Oxford, 1999),
reviewed in Journal of the History of Collections, 12
(2000), p.144
- Christopher de Hamel, Horae Beate Mariae Virginis (CD-ROM), reviewed
in The Art Newspaper (2000)
- Lilian M.C. Randall, et al., Medieval and Renaissance
Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery, III: Belgium, 1250–1350
(Baltimore, 1997), reviewed in Medium Ævum, 69 (2000),
- Michelle P. Brown and Scot McKendrick, eds., Illuminating the
Book: Makers and Interpreters: Essays in Honour of Janet Backhouse
(London, 1998), reviewed in The Library, 21 (1999), pp.153–5