David Swan's "Bibliotheca Swaniana"
The identity of the owner of this collection was a mystery until
McKendrick found that one of several 'Bibliotheca Swaniana' manuscripts
in the
Burney collection at the British Library bears the name David Swan in
the same
handwriting. They typically have a description of a front flyleaf,
flyleaves with horizontal red lines, and tree-calf bindings. All seem
to have a
date in the early 1790s:

Manuscripts from the collection include:
- ? Bloomington, Indiana, Lilly Library: Bible, s. xiii,
Bibliotheca Swaniana
1793; olim C. L. Ricketts MS. 6 (de Ricci, Census, p. 618)
- Durham, University Library, Add. MS. 754: Poor Caitiff, c.1400-1425.
'Bibliotheca Swaniana 1792'
- Livorno, Biblioteca dei Cappuccini, Ar.8.10; Noted Missal, s.xi2;
"Bibliotheca Swaniana - 1792"
- London
- BL
- ?? Christie's, 25 June 1986, lot 212: Cicero and Sallust
- St. Peter upon Cornhill (on deposit since 1948 at the
Guildhall Library as
MS 4158A): Bible, s. xiii/xiv; gilt tree-calf binding;
Swaniana 1791 (see Ker, MMBL, I, pp. 262-3).
- Sotheby's, 26/1/59 lot 53: Augustine, Sermons, etc.
- Sotheby's, 15/6/59, lot 149
- New York
- Public Library, MS
134: New Testament, s. xiii, bound in red velvet; Bibliotheca
1790; formerly Wilberforce Eames, MS 10 (de Ricci, Census, p.
2314; Supplement,p. 315)
- Pierpont Morgan Library, MS M.519: Reginald Peacock, The
rule of
Christian religion, 1443, bound in English tree calf c.1790; sold
by King,
London, 17 March 1799, lot 68 (de Ricci, Census, p. 1465)
- Oxford
- Bodleian
- MS. Lyell 21: Ranulf Higden, Polychronicon, s.
xiv-xv, bound in late
18th-cent. tree calf; Bibliotheca Swaniana 1792
- MS Lat. th. e. 38; Miscellaneous theological tracts; s.
Swaniana 1792'
- Paris, BnF n.a.l. 694 (olim Phillipps 23241), Quintillian etc.;
Swaniana 1793
- Princeton University, MS Kane 50: Boethius, De arithmetica,
de musica,
de geometria, s. xii-xiii, bound in English tree calf; Bibliotheca
1793; formerly Grenville Kane MS 50 (de Ricci, Census, p. 1898)
Souces checked:
- Ker, MMBL, I-IV
- Bodleian, Sum. cat.
- Lyell cat.
- P&A, A&T
- Wormald & Giles
- Hunterian, Glory of the page
- de Ricci, Census, and Supplement
- Beinecke cat., I-III
- Houghton cat., I
- Newberry cat.
- LOC cat., I-II
- Huntington cat.
- Claremont colleges cat.
- UCLA cat.
- Notre Dame cat.
- New Zealand cat.
- Australia cat.
- Bodmeriana, MSS francais cat.